Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Ether

Is the concept that dates back to the Ancient Greeks. They described it as the region that fills the universe above the terrestrial sphere.  The "Ether" penetrates everything and it is non-material. The Ether is the 5th element above the four primal elements of Air, Water, Earth and Fire. 

Furthermore, the Ether is paramount to the other 4 material elements and unlike the other four elements, the Ether is non- material while pervading the other 4.  The Ether is recognized by both physics and metaphysics and is referred to by Newton and Einstein.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Morality is Logical?

Morality is a code of sorts sewn with in our very beings, a code that can not be dissected under a microscope. I also dont believe that morality can be easily explained within the confines of a simple forum topic, but let us commence none the less.

When we break our moral code we feel bad, guilty or remorseful in some way. When we hurt some one else or even an animal, we feel remorse; whether it was on purpose or not.  I propose that this is our moral code breaking out from within us; like a fire alarm, like the first cock that crows in the morning sun.

Animals dont share this code with Mankind. In the great wild it is survival of the fittest. I propose that survival of the fittest is logical however not moral. In the wild the strongest subjugate the weak; prey on, eat them.  Why then do humans tend to defend the weak, comfort the sick and console the dying? This task can be an onus of sorts. Logical? No! Moral? Yes!

Living morally is taking the high road as opposed to the low road. Being moral is not taking the easy way out, which may be logical. Living morally is taking on all the tuff decisions and doing what is right ! not whats expected, easy or otherwise logical.

We humans have the proclivity to sacrifice ourselves in some way in order to perform some moral obligation; not leaving some one behind when we could or should: taking a bullet for a friend (it not need be a literal bullet). She takes a hit for the team. Logical? perhaps not. Moral? Perhaps.

Moral acts can also be: Going on a hunger strike in order to fulfill some moral purpose, helping an old lady carry groceries, giving needed money to the homeless, putting yourself in harms way to help a stranger. Is this all acting in the way of survival of the fittest? Are these logical acts? I say No! I propose living morally is having compassion for mankind, showing tolerance and even love.

How about the girl who gets knocked up in college? Her parents tell her to abort the baby because it will interfere with her graduating. She however, feels an obligation to take the baby to term, keep the baby and goes against her parents to do so.  Moral? Yes! Logical? Perhaps not.

Knowing that choosing to keep the baby can threaten her college and possibly preclude her chances of getting married in the future, which is her dream, she bites the bullet of sorts, has the baby and faces all the consequences. Did she act  morally? I propose Yes!


P.s. To answer this topic I would conclude that the morality of mankind that is not shared by the other animals is not natural, but supernatural and is instilled by a higher power; perhaps even higher than we have the ability to fathom.